Dana Vogel is a singer-songwriter located in Lexington, Kentucky. She is a “third-culture kid” originally from the heart of Brazil, and her music, much like her life, is a melting pot of diverse favorites. Her style ranges from funky to contemplative, but her songs are easily recognized by her rich vocals, expressive keys, and thought-provoking lyrics. Dana’s life-long musical journey has been her attempt to provide language and medium for both the most profound and mundane of human experiences.

Click the play button to listen to the title track of Dana Vogel’s latest EP called “Rua Princesa”.
Recent Shows and Press
Featured Artist at Tahlsound Festival in Lexington, KY

Headliner at The Burl in Lexington, KY

Interviewed on FOX 56’s “Live from Chevy Chase” Show https://fox56news.com/video/dana-vogel/9750174/
Interviewed by Mick Jeffries on WRFL’s Trivial Thursdays Radio Show https://www.facebook.com/share/p/UJoRhgwRH1LCVU3c/
Interviewed by Joe Conkwright on WUKY’s Rock & Roots Radio Show